
 米LinkedInが毎年発表している「The Hottest Skills」で上位に挙がるスキルの移り変わりからも、そういった傾向をうかがい知れる。実際に2013年、2014年、2015年の上位10スキルを以下に並べてみた。


  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Mobile Development
  3. Cloud and Distributed Computing
  4. Perl/Python/Ruby
  5. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
  6. User Interface Design
  7. Digital and Online Marketing
  8. Recruiting
  9. Business Development/Relationship Management
  10. Retail Payment and Information Systems


  1. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
  2. Middleware and Integration Software
  3. Storage Systems and Management
  4. Network and Information Security
  5. SEO/SEM Marketing
  6. Business Intelligence
  7. Mobile Development
  8. Web Architecture and Development Framework
  9. Algorithm Design
  10. Perl/Python/Ruby


  1. Cloud and Distributed Computing
  2. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
  3. Marketing Campaign Management
  4. SEO/SEM Marketing
  5. Middleware and Integration Software
  6. Mobile Development
  7. Network and Information Security
  8. Storage Systems and Management
  9. Web Architecture and Development Framework
  10. User Interface Design

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