米Computer Associates International(CA)は,同社が所有する米国特許14件と派生海外特許をオープンソース・コミュニティに無償提供する。CA社が米国時間9月7日に明らかにしたもの。これによりオープンソース・ソフトウエアの開発者は,同社の特許をロイヤルティ・フリーで利用できるようになる。




・5,414,809:Graphical Display of Data
・6,282,544:Method and Apparatus for Populating Multiple Data Marts in a Single Aggregation Process
・6,134,537:Visualization and Self Organization of Multi-Dimensional Data Through Equalized Orthogonal Mapping
・5,734,796:Self-Organization of Pattern Data With Dimension Reduction Through Learning of Non-Linear Variance-Constrained Mapping
・6,850,952:Method and Apparatus for Populating Multiple Data Marts in a Single Aggregation Process
・6,907,412:Visualization and Self Organization of Multi-Dimensional Data Through Equalized Orthogonal Mapping
・6,212,509:Visualization and Self Organization of Multi-Dimensional Data Through Equalized Orthogonal Mapping
・5,325,361:System and Method for Multiplexing Data Transmissions
・6,704,806:Method and device for Monitoring the Creation and Destruction of Child Processes within an Application Executing in a Computer System
・5,796,942:Method and Apparatus for Automated Network-Wide surveillance and Security Breach Intervention
・5,958,015:Network Session Wall Passively Listening to Communication Session, With Use of Access Rules, Stops Further Communication Between Network Devices
・6,336,140:Method and System for the Identification and the Suppression of Executable Objects
・6,754,713:Method and System for the Identification and the Suppression of Executable Objects
・6,493,811:Intelligent Controller Accessed Through Addressable Virtual Space

米Sunが「Solaris 10」をオープンソース化,関連特許1600件も無償提供
「ソフトウエア特許との泥沼の戦いが数年以内に起きる」——中央大学 教授 今野浩氏
